Marine turtles

Around the sea turtles

Unlike other species such as tuna or sharks, the decline of sea turtles is not just a matter of overexploitation. Torn between two environments, marine and terrestrial, they are subject to most of the pressures that humans exert on the ocean, from the coasts to the high seas: urbanization, overfishing and bycatch, collisions, pollution or even plastic accumulation.

The Marine Turtle Program of the Oceanographic Institute

In 2015, the Oceanographic Institute initiated a major program around marine turtles: the book Tortues marines, la grande odyssée, the game S.O.S. Tortues, an initiative Fête sans ballon. This work on turtles was an opportunity to inaugurate a care centre for marine species, to create a temporary exhibition and to forge links with those involved in the field.

The care centre

The Monegasque Marine Species Care Centre (CMSEM) is the heart of our new action and awareness system.

Here, they take care of large nacres, seahorses… but also sea turtles. Among the most common injuries: accidental entanglement in nets or marine debris, cracked carapace, ingestion of plastic or hooks, etc.

Qualified to handle these protected species, our caretakers work in collaboration with specialized veterinarians and the French and European networks of care centers.

This is an opportunity to contribute to study programs on the biology of these species, their behaviour and their environment.

What to do if you encounter a sea turtle?

Contacter le CMSEM

Educational cards

No Balloon Party Initiative

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