Children's corner


We look forward to seeing you every day on our social networks and on our website to help you keep your children entertained!

Together #LiveLocean through anecdotes, underwater discoveries and oceanographic stories…

The game of 7 mistakes

Can you find the 7 mistakes in the following pictures?

Choose one of the original images on the right and keep your eyes open! The answers are given in the links below.

Tableau Inauguration avenue Albert Ier ©M.Dagnino
7 Erreurs Tableau Laboratoire PA Borrel

WORKSHOP "D.I.Y. the tale of nerin

The Oceanographic Institute of Monaco invites you to follow the adventures of the little turtle Nerine through several episodes punctuated by DIY (Do It Yourself) so that you and your child can reproduce thestory in your living room with everyday objects.

In the form of a participatory tale, your child will discover with Nérine the life cycle of a sea turtle, from birth to adulthood, the marine ecosystem and the environmental issues that threaten them. As it travels through the ocean currents, several animals will cross the path of our little loggerhead turtle. Be careful! Nerin’s journey will not be easy. She will have to face several obstacles throughout her life…

It is up to you

And to win tickets to the museum’s reopening, share your best work on Instagram (@oceanomonaco) and answer the questions below:

  • What are the different materials used to create the characters in this story?
  • Why do sea turtles lay their eggs at sunset?
  • How do they return to the sea after laying their eggs?
Good luck!

PéDAGO files: the food network

Discover the diets of seaweed, turtles, mussels, octopus and many other marine species. Learn who eats whom by reconstructing the Mediterranean food web with the Appendix. Get your glue and pencils!

Baleine à bosse
Bac plongée de nuit ©M.Dagnino

Les fiches Pédago : Corals

Coral reefs are true oases of life! They represent barely 0.2% of the world’s ocean surface and yet one third of the marine species known to date find refuge there. Each of these species is important to the maintenance of the reef.

Through these two game books (one for children and one for parents), discover the different types of coral reefs found in our oceans. Also learn about the threats to these reefs and how to fight and preserve this treasure of biodiversity.

LEs fiches pédago (part ii) : identifying marine turtles

Learn how to recognize the different species of sea turtles thanks to an “identification key”: a tool used by scientists to identify species thanks to their morphological characteristics.

Learn more by downloading these sea turtle identification keys!

Tortues de mer
Visuel présentation Fiches pédagogiques

the pedago sheets (PART I) : turtles

Marine turtles have inhabited the seas for 110 million years and have gone through several climatic upheavals. Yet today, turtles are threatened on land and at sea. Where do they live? How to recognize them? How do they reproduce? What is their lifestyle?

You too can go and meet these animals and try to get to know them better and protect them through a game book (one for parents, one for children).

The colouring book

Download this special 0cean coloring book and let your little ones express their artistic soul.
All you have to do is sharpen the crayons and take out the markers!

Cahier de coloriage du musée océanographique
Point d'interrogation


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