Getting involved yourself

Influencer for the Ocean


Health requires a sufficient and balanced diet, including a regular supply of proteins, vitamins, lipids, minerals and trace elements. The ocean provides us with a good part of these elements which are essential to our metabolism.

Worldwide, 20 kg of fish are consumed per year per person. 17% of the animal protein consumed by humans comes from fishing and aquaculture. In Indonesia or Sri Lanka, they provide at least 50% of the animal protein consumed by the population. This shows the major challenge of preserving resources for food security and health! Unfortunately, due to overfishing, pollution and illegal fishing, global fish stocks are declining. 33% are overexploited (in the Mediterranean, this rate reaches 62%!) and 35% of the fish caught do not reach our plate, a waste all along the chain, which we must no longer tolerate. If humanity is to remain healthy, it is essential to manage resources in a truly sustainable way, starting now. And it is possible!

indonesie Poisson
En Indonésie, comme ici à Banggaï, les poissons fournissent au moins 50 % des protéines animales consommées par la population.
Les calamars séchés permettent de conserver un stock de protéines pendant des mois
Méduses séchées en vente sur un marché d'Indonésie


Some specialists estimate that, if it is well protected and managed, the Ocean could provide two thirds of the world’s protein requirements, estimated at 500 million tonnes, by 2050.

This is only possible if the ocean remains a healthy environment for both organisms and us. The Ocean, which is remarkably robust to disturbances, is unfortunately sometimes “overtaken” by pollution from land-based sources: pesticides such as chlordecone, heavy metals, urban organic pollution, as well as the emerging issues of endocrine disruptors or nanoparticles. Sometimes it is the degradation of ecosystems that causes health problems, as when the death of corals gives way to algae and toxic ciguatera.

For a long time, the ocean has been mistaken for an inexhaustible larder and, at the same time, a bottomless garbage can. Today, we must take care of an extremely lively environment, which feeds and cares for us!

See also

couverture du livre sur les méduses - Institut océanographique


Mapping Buyle

Explorations de Monaco

1-1-01-catlin seaview

Questions about the Ocean