S.O.S. Turtles

A game to raise awareness about the protection of marine turtles

In 2017, the Oceanographic Institute and the Prince Albert I Foundation joined forces with the Monaco company Éléments Éditions and released an ecologically designed board game, S.O.S. Turtles, to enable families to understand the challenges of protecting sea turtles from the dangers of human activities.

Exemples de carte SOS Tortues

Learn as a family to act for the environment

Each player chooses a species of sea turtle. His mission will be to protect it from the wind so that it can reproduce.

The player who has protected the most individuals of his species wins the game.

However, there is no competition, the players help each other in all dangers: overfishing, destruction of beaches, involuntary fishing…

This simple board game can be played by two to six players. The duration of a game is about 30 minutes.

An ecologically designed board game

To remain consistent with the ambition of the game, its creators (Cédric Duwelz and Éléments Éditions) have observed all the rules of eco-design: wooden dice, paper from sustainably managed forests and a fabric bag.

None of the parts are made of plastic in order to better respect the environment. All the illustrations are original and were made by Olivier Fagnère.

After a crowdfunding campaign at the end of 2016 on the Ulule platform, the game is now published for the general public and offered at a price of €29.90.

plateau SOS Tortues

See also

couverture du livre sur les méduses - Institut océanographique


Mapping Buyle

Explorations de Monaco

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Questions about the Ocean