Shipbuilding and
Nautical Industries

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The world of boating and yachting

Water sports include all sports activities practiced on the water, from boating to water sports.

A wide range of professions, from the design and manufacture of boats or any other craft  to repair, maintenance or rental services.

When we talk about the marine industry and shipbuilding, we can make this rather simplistic distinction:  

  • The naval : very large ships in small quantities for trade, transport, defence…
  • Boating: small boats in very large quantities for pleasure craft.

Many professions, from the CAP to the masters, are associated with it.

The shipbuilding and repair sector, both civil and military, and the production of equipment, represents a turnover of approximately 34 billion euros and employs more than 350,000 people in Europe and 40,000 in France.

The Travelling Trades Ship, and configured around containers and virtual reality tools, presents the jobs in the maritime industry and their future through films and testimonies of experts. If it is not in your area, please feel free to find information at in the world of the shipbuilding industry.

Discover the nautical industries

Training for the nautical and naval industry

Portraits of the nautical and shipbuilding professions

See also